Friday, February 26, 2021

Thoughts On Dark Side

So, I forgot I started writing a short story. Anyway here is what I have so far. 



Chapter: 1


It, was a cold dark night, a cold dark moon. Jack was on his way home from, his favorite tavern. Suddenly his 95 dark blue Mustang veered off the road because he saw some kind of animal in the middle of the road. His car crashed into a telephone pole, the airbags deployed, several moments later Jack stumbled out of the car, and walked toward the spot in the road where he thought the animal had been. 


 Several minutes, later Jack woke up in his bed with a half empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. It was only a drunken dream none the less, he didn't remember how he got home to his single room apartment. As, he sits up in bed and sets up a fresh line of Columbia's finest for himself straw in hand, a drop dead gorgeous woman emerges from the bathroom in nothing but her birthday suit. He looks over at her and says wow you're the package legs that flow into your ass and tits that would make the pope get a nice full chubby. The woman smiles and says "thanks Jack". Jack nods and says you are welcome you know my name but what's your name? 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Thoughts on The Internet

So, I have been thinking. About going offline, no email, social media, news, chat ect ect. Asider from the occasional research for my book. other than that I will log on only once a week, to check email and make a blogpost.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Thoughts on Blogger

 So, I just want to say #google, I think it is stupid that you do not have a #blogger #app for #ios. I am not going to #install #chrome just to use  #my #blog. So fuck off maybe, I will switch to the new #wordpress account I just created. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Thoughts on

 So, I was thinking, if our memories make up our past then what makes up our future? I mean we can see into the past but we really can’t see the future not from a personal sense or even a technological sense. So with that in mind are we stuck?

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Thoughts on Accounts

 So, I made a second account using my more professional email address. But I though to myself why start all over, when I can make a second blog on this account. So eventually that is what I will do, start a second blog for crazy randomness like product reviews and such. So check soon for a second blog.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Thoughts On Skyrock

 So, I thought I would try skyrock. Good thing I only made a few nothing posters. Because for some reason unknown my account was suspended. I never posted anything obscene or nsfw. Oh well their loss. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Thoughts on Sunday Memories

So, as I sit here, trying to think of something to write: on a blistering cold Sunday morning in February. I can think back to, Sundays in Puerto Rico, as part of Father's first foreign services assignment. Sitting in a hot humid. The Church was an open building with huge, windows that opened outward like: doors. In fact everyone used them as doors, to go in and out between the church it self and the side yards. There must not have been ac in the building, because I remember even, Midnight mass had the doors open.
I remember sitting in the, pews' thinking I cant wait till, Sunday School Class starts. After Mass not that I was eager to read the bible or any of that myself. But because I wanted to spend time with my friends. I remember after class let out all the children running around and playing in the courtyards. And the Parents standing around mingling amongst themselves. Drinking stale instant coffee, and day old donuts from the local grocery store. Those donuts were so awful, but thinking back on it now I would give, anything to have one right now.

I can't remember, her name. But I do remember the girl my first adolescent crush. She was the same age has me. She had curly light brown hair, and golden tan skin from always being outside, in the warm Caribbean sun. Her and her family, had moved to the Island from their native, Belize. After that first day of Sunday school. We spent every Sunday school class together. Oddly we never spent time together other than at church.

Well, I felt like sharing a little sweet memory of my youth. Maybe next time, I will share another one.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Thoughts on Rambling

So, I was thinking it has been a few days: since I have written anything. To be honest I simply have not felt motivated or inspired to write anything. However there has been the thought in the back of my head. Saying write something, hey write something.  So here I am, writing sure, writing about something? Not really, just writing some ramblings. Writing none, the less. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Thoughts on Everyday.

So, I don't always have something   I'm thinking about. Literally drawing a blank. All I San seem to think of is which key I am going to press next, and low and behold that is what you are reading now. 

Really do you know what I mean, when I say all I can see is what key I am pressing? Everyday is not going to have an entry that makes sense to the reader. Most of the time I will be lucky if it makes sense to me when I go back and read it myself. 

On another, note I feel really mellow and content right now. Just here letting the letters flow as they choose. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Thoughts on Fishing

So, I love fishing however, I was thinking about it. And I have not been fishing in at least 13 years. 

Unless fishing on iphone game or on Xbox one x fishing. Then yes it has been about 13 years since I have gone fishing. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Thoughts on Super Bowl Lv

So, I was thinking who the fuck cares about the , NFL anymore? I know I don't I don't care for it at all just happy today is the lst day of the season and we can get a break from this shit. Oh wait I don't watch it anyway so it doesn't matter to me. And it's not like it is over because we will still hear shut about it daily on social media and traditional media. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Thoughts on Quotes

So, I was thinking:about how someone once told me if you can't come up with a good quote. Then copy someone else's chances are they said it better already. 


Well my thought, on that is why would I immortalize, someone else's work? Then that got me thinking, will someone ever quote my work?

Thoughts on Blogger

 So, I was thinking. Blogger, and blogspot are both very outdated. Neither of them have modern iOS, or android apps, I can understand not on iOS but on Google/s own operating system? Also the websites when accessed via mobile browser, and desktop browser are so obsolete and cluttered messes. I can see Google letting this platform go after all why bother when Google has already failed at their own versions of social media.

Also how do you find blogs to read they don't make it very easy do they?

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Thoughts on Spirit Guides

So, I was thinking lately. It is time for a vision quest, I am ready to meet my Spirit Guide. I think this is something anyone can do, no matter their religious beliefs, or cultural background. 

It, is therapeutic and  meditation enduxing. As I said I think everyone should try it at least once. Inline image

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Thoughts On Baseball

So, I was thinking. Baseball starts on February,27th,2021. Seems like it has been forever since baseball season I'm excited for the start of spring training. To me baseball is the greatest sport in the world. 

Playing baseball as a kid, and going to both Minor League and Major League games in the summer time. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Thoughts about Night Skies

 So, I was looking up at the night sky, even though I can’t see the stars, and the planets I know they are there. 

So, this got me thinking about parallel universes there are infinite planets out there and there is me and you in all those places. Living out different dreams and realities but we are all the same. 

Thoughts Test

So, been thinking there has to be an easier way to upload blog posts. If this works then I will be able to just type out an email, click send and it will be instantly uploaded as a blog post. Here goes if you are reading this then that means it worked. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Thoughts on Education.

 So, I do not think, everyone needs a higher education. Sure people do if they expect to be rich or financially stable. That doesn’t make you smart, sure there is education but not everyone needs it a lot of smart people have never finished school,  more the right place at the right time type of situations. I think I am pretty smart, even though I never finished College. But I could be wrong. 

Thoughts On Dark Side

So, I forgot I started writing a short story. Anyway here is what I have so far.  DarkSide   Chapter:  1   It, was a cold dark night, a cold...