Sunday, February 14, 2021

Thoughts on Sunday Memories

So, as I sit here, trying to think of something to write: on a blistering cold Sunday morning in February. I can think back to, Sundays in Puerto Rico, as part of Father's first foreign services assignment. Sitting in a hot humid. The Church was an open building with huge, windows that opened outward like: doors. In fact everyone used them as doors, to go in and out between the church it self and the side yards. There must not have been ac in the building, because I remember even, Midnight mass had the doors open.
I remember sitting in the, pews' thinking I cant wait till, Sunday School Class starts. After Mass not that I was eager to read the bible or any of that myself. But because I wanted to spend time with my friends. I remember after class let out all the children running around and playing in the courtyards. And the Parents standing around mingling amongst themselves. Drinking stale instant coffee, and day old donuts from the local grocery store. Those donuts were so awful, but thinking back on it now I would give, anything to have one right now.

I can't remember, her name. But I do remember the girl my first adolescent crush. She was the same age has me. She had curly light brown hair, and golden tan skin from always being outside, in the warm Caribbean sun. Her and her family, had moved to the Island from their native, Belize. After that first day of Sunday school. We spent every Sunday school class together. Oddly we never spent time together other than at church.

Well, I felt like sharing a little sweet memory of my youth. Maybe next time, I will share another one.


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