Sunday, January 31, 2021

Thoughts about.

 So, I was thinking, if we all just got high. Nothing more than pot would the world be a happier place or just the people in it?

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Thoughts about time

 So, I have been thinking. I’m not always going to have time to write something everyday, And sometimes I may forget, other times I may not feel like writing something. But I will do my best to try every day to write. 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thoughts on random Stuff

 So, I have a few random thoughts to share. 

Are, we alone or is there other life out there? And if so will, we ever meet them in my life time? Just food for thought nothing to take seriously. Whatever is meant to happen in my life time will happen as it should. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thoughts On, Dreams

 So, I was thinking has anyone ever had a dream: where there is a bright light like the sun, a car, train, ect ect. It’s so bright you swear someone is really flashing or turning on a light in your bedroom, and so you open your eyes cause it wakes you up it seemed so real but the bedroom is still pitch black? 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Thoughts on sleep

 So, I always feel really tired when I go to bed. But when I finally lay down it still takes me another hour or two to fall asleep. And even then I still wake up an hour before the alarm. So even on very little sleep Some how I feel like I get a full nights sleep. I know it’s not normal I should feel tired after so little sleep. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Thoughts on ...

 So, I was thinking lastnight in bed because I couldn’t sleep. Oh it was a good one but now I can’t remember. Give me a minute to see if I remember................................

If time and space co-exist within each other, then by that logic when we dream or think about something in our past and when we think about it it’s like we are actually there again. And the same when we think about our futures. So by that logic do we not already time travel?

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Thoughts On Social Media

 So, I was thinking. Over the years I’ve tried making, YouTube channels, Podcasts, and blogs. For some reason I always get bored. However Blogging is a random but mostly constant. So I think I will actually stay with it this time. 

I don’t like sites like, Facebook, ect but blogging is different. I do have Twitter but I don’t use it aside from sending a tweet when, I have made a new blog post. 

Not that, People care what some random person on the internet does. Ah that’s right this is for me, and what I enjoy. 

Thank you though if you are reading these. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Thoughts on

 So, I’m only writing this to make sure I don’t miss any more daily posts. 

I’m so high right now though all I can think about is what key on the keyboard to press next then I stare at it as it is being pressed. 

If you are wondering what I’m smoking it’s strain is called, girls out cookie. I forget the flavor but damned it was smooth and the high is amazing. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

Thoughts On Rona

 So, I was thinking I don’t want to write about, Covid. But, I can’t ignore it. I personally know too many people who have had the COVID-19 virus and several who still do. I have to say I really hope I never get it. As I said I know too many family members and friends who have tested positive for COVID-19. All varying degrees and symptoms no two people have had the exact same symptoms, some worse than others either way all bad. Stay safe out there everyone. Don’t put yourself at unnecessary risk. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thoughts on giving up

 So, I was on a social media site a pretty popular one. I won’t name the site or the user however, I shared a link to one of my blog posts. This person replied with the comment don’t give up. I am thinking when did I ever say that I am or have given up. No where in my writings does it say or imply that I have given up. 

I just want to say I do have aspirations, and dreams I can’t wait to achieve. So trust me when I say I’m not giving up. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Thoughts on Stuff

 So, I feel like I have writers block I can’t seem to think of anything to write about.  Seems like everything has been covered. 

1:Presidential Inuaguration check

2: Nhl check

Hmm yea those seem to be the only real things on my mind right now sorry check back again later for more stuff. 

Thoughts President Biden

So, I was thinking thankfully so far that nothing has happened yet like Jan,6th. Good Luck. Mr. President Biden. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

thoughts on the inauguration

So, I’m thinking tomorrow better go good. The presidents inauguration. After everything that happened on Jan,6th. We need a smooth transition of office. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Thoughts Of Shame

So, I have been thinking. About shame, I don’t have any shame for the things I’ve seen and done in my life. And trust me I’ve done a lot, not all great and not all that bad either. I plan on sharing one story at a time till I have everything out that I want out. Let’s be honest we all have our secrets that we will take to our deaths. You have yours let me have mine. 

However I’m not saying I won’t ever disclose them but I’m not saying I will either only time will tell.

hockey Thoughts

So desperate for sports. I’m watching the Columbus Blue Jackets at Detroit Redwings. Of course I’m an LA Kings fan for life. Go Kings Go

Sunday, January 17, 2021

swimming Thoughts

So, I was thinking I should be sleeping, but I want to go swimming for some odd reason. I don’t care if it’s a lke, river, pool, or ocean. I just have this urge to go swimming right now free diving. 


I’ve, always wanted to climb Mt. Everest. Just to say I have done it. I want to say being legally blind I still did everything I ever wanted to do. 

I’ve already started working towards this goal. I have lost 30lbs, I can also do bare-knuckle push-ups. So I hope to reach this goal by the time I am 45 years old, we shall see. But hey it’s important to have goals and dreams. 

more thoughts

So I don’t like this app, but it is better than google chrome. I thought about using Twitter but, there may be times I want to write more than the limit restricted to Twitter. But for the most part my blog posts will be about Twitter size posts. 

 On a side note I feel better now that I am writing again. 

A Few Thoughts

 I know it’s been a few days since I, have written anything. But truth be told I haven’t felt much like writing. 

 Mostly thinking about a friend who, is festering on the brink of death. She will be gone any day now. I miss her already. Even though we haven’t spoken to or seen each other in years, nor had we had the lengthiest of conversations the last time we were around each other. At least not the way we used to before. But time and people change, always remember and never forget them because they make us who we are and who we will be. I miss you and will always miss you my dearest friend. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Thoughts continued

 So I was thinking. If the stars are Infiniti does that mean we are infinite, is there ascension for us?

thoughts on the Beach

This is all I am thinking about. Sitting on the shore just getting lost in the scene. Someday hopefully. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

thoughts Continued.

So my thought for Today is. The state of the nation after the riots last Wednesday I feel the country has hit its lowest point  of the past this is the worse I have ever seen it. I still love my Country and will always have heartache for my nation but it is too much how do we just walk away, or do we stay and hope for the best?in the past 100 years. Dispute segregation and other atrocities   

Sunday, January 10, 2021


So lately I’ve been thinking about my Legacy or there lack of. I don’t have children to leave anything too. So I guess this is just a little something for me personally. And that whomever may read this one day they smile and take joy in reading the random thoughts of some random man named frank rodriquez starting on January of 2021. 

Thoughts On Dark Side

So, I forgot I started writing a short story. Anyway here is what I have so far.  DarkSide   Chapter:  1   It, was a cold dark night, a cold...